Environmental Management

LG U+ has been trying to minimize
the negative impact of businesses
on the environment

LG U+ aims to realize sustainable management by leaving minimal footprints on the environment and establishing an eco-friendly system. We promote various eco-friendly activities such as implementing the Environmental Management System(ISO14001) and increasing the recycling rate of industrial waste.

Management Policy

LG Uplus (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) has established the following Environmental Management Policy to realize sustainable management that prioritizes the environment, social responsibility, and sound governance when providing mobile, home, and corporate services.

  1. The company shall establish an Environmental Management Polity to minimize environmental impacts resulting from business activities and continuously perform environment improvement activities.
  2. The company shall proactively respond to global climate change to minimize the environmental impacts of GHG emissions.
  3. The company shall consider and continuously reflect eco-friendly investments in purchasing and managing products and providing services.
  4. The company shall transparently disclose its environmental information and take social responsibility regarding stakeholders’ demands.
  5. The company shall comply with environmental laws and regulations and take best measures to realize sustainable management.

To comply with the Environmental Management Policy, the company shall announce this Policy to make all employees prioritize it and establish and achieve specific goals.

대표이사 황현식

Environmental Management Promotion Departments

Within the ESG Committee under the BoD, we have established an executive-level ESG Working Committee. We have also created a new Safety/Environment/Health Section with the aim of promoting environmental management. Through the leadership of the ESG Team, which is responsible for establishing company-wide environmental and energy policies and responding to emissions trading and sustainability initiatives, four departments manage the operation of the environmental management system, waste management, network equipment, and IDC energy reduction. Critical issues that arise are reported to the CEO, and key issues are reported to the ESG committee, the highest decision-making body, atleast once every six months to facilitate decision-making.

Operation of an Environmental Management System (ISO14001)

We comply with the international standard for environmental management systems (ISO14001), setting environmental goals considering environmental opportunities and risks based on environmental impact assessments that correspond to our environmental management policies.
To achieve the goals, we develop, implement, and improve detailed plans and strive to realize continuous outcomes. All environmental risks across our business areas, such as mobile, internet, IPTV, and NW operation and services, are analyzed and improved. Also, the certification is maintained and managed through an annual surveillance audit by a global certification body.

  • Environmental Management Process

  • ISO14001

Eco-friendly Water Resource Management

We are making tireless efforts to save environmental resources in accordance with our ESG management philosophy. The efficiency of the cooling system has been improved in the data center, and the operating time of the freezer and cooling tower has been reduced to save water. We set annual improvement targets for facilities and make significant investments in improvements.

Eco-friendly Waste Management

Business Site Waste Reduction Goal and Detailed Plan

We set a goal of 100% recycling of business site waste by 2025 and perform various activities to reduce waste and improve the recycling rate. Due to the nature of the telecommunication business, most of our waste is generated in the process of setting up and replacing telecommunications equipment for our networks, telecommunication buildings and data centers. Accordingly, we select waste management companies based on strict criteria to properly dispose of business waste such as waste wires and communication equipment.

For more details, please refer to
LG U+'s Sustainability Report.