Human Rights Management

We prevent human rights violations
through people-oriented

LG U+ respects its employees and treats them fairly based on their competence and performance. It follows the ‘people-oriented management’ principle to ensure that its employees can remain creative at work.
We also apply these principles to all the stakeholders including customers, partners, and local communities to promote human rights in the business setting.

Human Rights Policies

  • Customers
    • Protect privacy.
    • Protect customer information.
    • Ensure the rights to receive equal services.
    • Ensure fair trade that respects consumer rights.
  • Partners
    • Pursue fair trade.
    • Take a win-win approach.
    • Help partners pursue human rights management.
  • Employees
    • Don't discriminate.
    • Ensure equal opportunities.
    • Respect the freedoms of assembly and association.
    • Create a safe workplace.
    • Respect working conditions.
  • Local Communities
    • Protect the human rights of the local community members.
    • Achieve transparency when disclosing information.
    • Protect the environment.

LG U+ respects human dignity and the right of our clients, corporate partners, employees, and all stakeholders to pursue happiness. We will also achieve sustainable development for mutual coexistence through principled management, competing fairly based on our merits.

LG U+ publicly supports the United Nations' (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Ruggie Framework, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Global Compact's (UNGC) Ten Principles, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) Guidelines For Multinational Enterprises, and the International Labor Organization's (ILO) prescribed working conditions. We also promise to adhere to the labor and human rights provisions of all states where we operate. If this policy conflicts with international guidelines or relevant domestic laws, we will abide by the stricter principles and standards.

This commitment applies not only to LG U+ but equally to corporate partners, customers, and all local community stakeholders. LG U+ practices a human rights management policy that evaluates and improves all human rights factors arising from management activities and provides complaint and remedy procedures for human rights violations.

Human Rights Management Policy

With the aim of ‘zero human rights risks,’ LG Uplus conducts human rights risk diagnosis and analysis every year and selects and systematically improves major human rights issues.

  1. Responsibilities and Obligations for Customer Human Rights
    1. Protection of Privacy
      • Because personal information is a valuable asset belonging to the customer, we require only the minimum amount of information.
      • Information obtained for business purposes is used in a limited and strict manner to protect customer privacy. We protect our customers from human rights violations that may occur in the process of using our products and services.
    2. Protection of Customer Information
      • We use technological and physical measures to protect our customers’ personal information.
    3. Protection against harmful content
      • We make our utmost effort to prevent children from accessing harmful content.
    4. Right to Equal Service
      • We provide equal service to all customers regardless of region, disability or social status.
    5. Consumer Fair Trade
      • We protect consumer rights and do our best to prevent unfair trade by providing accurate information.
  2. Supplier Responsibilities and Obligations for Employee Human Rights
    1. Practicing Fair Trade
      • We do not abuse our market position by imposing unreasonable demands or trading conditions on our suppliers.
    2. Dedication to Win-Win Relationships
      • Suppliers seek shared growth as LG Uplus partners.
    3. Supplier Human Rights Management
      • All suppliers doing business with LG Uplus contribute to the expansion of human rights management.
    4. Humane Treatment of Suppliers
      • Employees of all suppliers doing business with LG Uplus are not infringed on their safety, basic human rights, and labor rights.
      • We protect representatives from being exposed to unreasonable words and actions or irrational demands of customers.
  3. Responsibilities and Obligations for Employee Human Rights
    1. Prohibition of Discrimination
      • We do not discriminate unfairly based on race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, political opinion, social origin, and academic background.
      • Ensure that all employees enjoy equal rights and freedoms in all spheres of life, including politics, economics, culture, and life.
    2. Fair Opportunities
      • When discriminating based on gender and race in providing opportunities, the principle of zero tolerance shall be applied.
      • We provide fair rewards and opportunities based on individual abilities and achievements.
    3. Freedom of Assembly and Association
      • We guarantee the right to enjoy freedom of assembly and association without the threat of retaliation or intimidation.
      • We do not give any disadvantage to our employees because of their participation in fair collective bargaining.
    4. Safe Working Environment
      • We guarantee the right of our employees to a safe and pleasant working environment.
      • We comply with fair compensation standards for working hours and overtime in the countries where we do business, and we pay into public insurance and benefit systems as required
    5. Compliance with Working Conditions
      • We prohibit the use of labor by children under the minimum employment age set by the countries where we do business.
      • We do not force workers to work against their will.
      • We do not withhold identification documents or other documents that could restrict worker freedom.
  4. Responsibilities and Obligations for the Human Rights of Members of National and Local Communities
    1. Local Community Human Rights
      • If a human rights impact assessment reveals a negative impact on the human rights of local community members, then we provide appropriate compensation.
      • We recognize local communities as our own communities and invest actively for their shared development.
    2. Transparent Information Disclosures
      • We provide necessary information to shareholders and investors in a timely manner, and ensure transparency through accurate accounting data.
    3. Environmental Protection
      • LG Uplus makes every effort to protect the natural environments of all the countries and communities in which we operate.
대표이사 황현식

For more details, please refer to
LG U+'s Sustainability Report.